The purpose of sunshine tests is to determine the ability of equipment and their enclosures to withstand the effects of solar radiation. These tests consist in exposing the equipment to radiation from a light source (most often xenon arc) with or without association with other climatic conditions such as: dry heat, humidity, and spraying. Many polymer, polypropylene or paint materials are very sensitive to the effects of the sun (bleaching, cracking, etc.).
Temperature: max +90°C
Hygrometry: 95%
Filter: Borosilicate (interior/exterior), Sodalime (interior)
Capacity: 800x800x900mm
Lamp type: Xénon
Cyclic testing : water spraying, temperature, insulation
Polymer elasticity characteristic change
Colour whitening
Plastic chalking
Product deformation
Settled in Châteaubourg, on the Rennes-Paris highway, the laboratory is expanding over several hundreds of m2...
We have committed ourselves in quality accreditation processes (COFRAC, CIL, PTP).