Solar and UV radiation testing

The purpose of sunshine tests is to determine the ability of equipment and their enclosures to withstand the effects of solar radiation. These tests consist in exposing the equipment to radiation from a light source (most often xenon arc) with or without association with other climatic conditions such as: dry heat, humidity, and spraying. Many polymer, polypropylene or paint materials are very sensitive to the effects of the sun (bleaching, cracking, etc.).

Video presentation essay

Temperature: max +90°C
Hygrometry: 95%
Filter: Borosilicate (interior/exterior), Sodalime (interior)
Capacity: 800x800x900mm
Lamp type: Xénon
Cyclic testing : water spraying, temperature, insulation

Polymer elasticity characteristic change
Colour whitening
Plastic chalking
Product deformation

ISO 4892-2, ISO 4892-3, ISO 105-B06, ISO 105-B02, CEI 60068-2-5, MIL STD 810 method 505, GAM EG 13 fascicule 9, AECTP method 305, DIN 75220, D47 1431, D47 1474, D27 1911, SAE J2020 ASTM 154

Bruleur arc xenon pour essai d'ensoleillement et UV